Monitoring Station at Edson Fichter Nature Area
Monitoring Station at Edson Fichter Nature Area
Photo © Mountain Visions, 2003
Portneuf River Basin Monitoring Program - Archived Data

A cooperative monitoring program collects and analyzes data on chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of stream sampling sites in the Portneuf Basin.  Archived results of the monitoring program are grouped into two categories:

Stream Sample Site Topographic Maps
Cooperating Agencies and Individuals 

The following agencies cooperate in the Portneuf Basin Monitoring Program and have provided funds, personnel, or equipment: 

Center for Ecological Research, Idaho State University
City of Pocatello 
Idaho Department of Agriculture
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
J. R. Simplot Company
Portneuf Soil and Water Conservation District
Shoshone-Bannock Tribe
Three Rivers RC&D Council, Inc.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The cooperation of private landowners who allow access for sampling across their lands is gratefully acknowledged.